Your quality donated items can help people in need.
Donate your goods with confidence
GoodCity.HK is operated by Crossroads Foundation. Thousands of individual and corporate donors have trusted us to ensure their quality items help those in genuine need since 1995. Any donated goods will be given to charities and individuals in need across both Hong Kong and internationally. For more information on Crossroads Foundation learn more on the Crossroads website

Not sure if your items are needed?
Expert volunteers review your items in minutes. Offering quality donated goods via GoodCity.HK is the best way to find out if they can be used to assist those in need. Learn more

What about transport?
You can book a commercial van immediately from within our app! If you've got your own transport you can book a time to drop your items off at our Tuen Mun facility. Learn more

Frequently Asked Questions
Whether you've donated your goods to GoodCity before or are considering donating your gently used goods, find answers below to frequently asked questions.
What does GoodCity do?
We take in gently used donations of all kinds, and ensure that quality items donated to us through the goodwill of families, organisations and businesses are then distributed to individuals or organisations in need.
How is GoodCity different from other charities and NGO’s in Hong Kong?
GoodCity promotes generosity and giving through our charity donation app, where we connect people by facilitating the process of donation with the help of volunteers to review, receive, and process donations in Hong Kong.
Can you come to pick up my donation?
We ask our donors to deliver goods to us. In the past GoodCity was among the charities that collect items no matter where you were in Hong Kong. However, due to the overwhelming generosity and support we received from our community in Hong Kong, we no longer have enough volunteers that can pick up donations.